Are there block rates for hotels?
We have a room block at The Congress Plaza Hotel with a nightly rate of $180. When you make the reservation, let them know that you are using the Write/Speak/Code room block. This special rate is only for a limited number of rooms. We just checked today and were told that we had a few rooms left at this rate so get them while they’re available!
If you run into trouble using the room rate, connect to extension 5025 or 5026 to speak with someone who can help.
Congress Plaza Hotel
520 South Michigan Avenue
Chicago, IL 60605
Directions from the Congress Plaza Hotel to the Conference
Buy a CTA ticket from Ventra, take the Purple Line. See full directions.
Other questions?
We’ve set up an FAQ for our attendees and speakers that we hope will help you through this process. However, if you still need questions answered please do not hesitate to reach out to us at See you soon!